Meet the team

Becky is the co founder of Beyond Behaviours & runs her own private practice as an Integrative Psychotherapist, Counsellor & Life Coach. Becky is committed to improving the lives of adults & young people both as a professional & as a parent. She is passionate about supporting individuals to release experiences of trauma & shame so that they can feel empowered in their relationship with themselves & others, feel confident in who they are & achieve their full potential.

Becky has  experience working therapeutically in the Psychology field with adults & young people in the public & private sector, including schools, the care system, drug & alcohol services, young offenders institutes & secure units. Becky also has experience providing training & consultation to parents, carers & professionals encouraging psychologically, trauma informed, attachment lead & formulation based care planning. 

As well as being a therapeutic practitioner, Becky also brings her experience of being a mum & understands the challenges when responding to children & young people's holistic needs in a way that feels supportive to both them & you. 

Rachael is the co founder of Beyond Behaviours, a strategic visionary committed to improving services for children & young people. She has lots of ideas & is excited by the opportunity to support development.

Rachael has strategic experience of leading systemic therapeutic services for children & families, as well as managing therapeutic intervention services in prisons & secure environments for children & young people. Rachael has strategic & operational experience of introducing psychologically & trauma informed & responsive care, including formulation based care planning; organisational culture change;  staff & organisational development; & policy review.
Rachael has worked with the NHS, MOJ, YJB & YCS to support improved care for children & young people. Rachael is also an experienced therapeutic practitioner working with children & families with complex forensic & clinical need.



We provide bespoke training packages to meet the needs of individuals, teams & organisations covering a range of subject areas, so that you can respond to children & young people more effectively.




We know that in order to be the best version of ourselves for others, our own well-being needs to be a priority. We offer workshops & well-being days to support individuals & teams to put themselves at the core of what they do. 




Rachael & Becky jointly bring over 25 years of experience working individually, operationally & strategically to improve understanding & practice when working with children & young people.

In a previous life Rachael & Becky worked together to support young people who were considered high risk, high harm & high vulnerability presenting with complex clinical & forensic needs. In planning & delivering psychologically & trauma informed approaches to organisations, they recognised the need for a huge shift in thinking; culture; & understanding of children, themselves, others & the structures within which they were working, so that children & young people's psychological, emotional & developmental needs can be effectively met. Whilst also recognising how essential it is that as adults, our own emotional & well-being needs are being prioritised & supported.

We have come together again with an aligned vision, shared passion & huge goals: to help, support & impact more individuals & services to overcome the challenges of working with children & young people. We offer each other a reminder that there is another way to practice, to live, & to be. As a parent & a professional, we have come to recognise just how hard that is in a world that is predominantly behaviour focussed & often resists the truth that we are emotional beings & have an innate need for connection which comes from honesty, openness & vulnerability.




Please share details about the challenges you wish to overcome & the support you are looking for. We will be in touch to discuss this further with you within 2-5 working days.  

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